Jersey Girl Triathlon Training Coaches

Coach Brian Shea, Personal Best Nutrition (Freehold, NJ)

Brian Shea comes to Jersey Girl with a wealth of experience in triathlon as an athlete, coach and consultant. For over 20 years, he has competed in all levels of endurance sports from 5K to Ultra-marathon to Ironman with finishes including Ironman Hawaii with a 9:31 Personal Best. Brian has also run a 2:49 NYC Marathon which he hopes to improve upon this year.

On the coaching side, Brian is a certified triathlon and running coach having formulated training and sports nutrition programs for athletes ranging from beginner to professional. Among those include world class athletes such as Ironman 70.3 World Champions Terenzo Bozzone & Julie Dibens; Ironman Arizona Champion Leanda Cave; Ironman Canada/Arizona & ITU World Champion Jordan Rapp; 5x World Champion Simon Lessing; 5x Ironman Champion Heather Gollnick; as well as Olympic Marathon Bronze Medalist Deena Kastor. 

In his spare time, Brian enjoys spending time with his young son and daughter, both of whom recently finished their first triathlon!